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Property Management in Mesa, AZ: Beware FHA Advertising Guidelines



Running afoul of the Fair Housing Act can be easy to do if you aren't knowledgeable and informed about the guidelines. Professionals in property management in Mesa, AZ report that nearly 30,000 housing violation complaints were filed with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development last year. When you consider the volume of real estate advertising that goes out each day in print and online, it is all too easy to innocently and accidentally say, or even imply, the wrong thing in one of your ads.


Arizona property managers explain that, according to the FHA, real estate advertising is broadly considered to encompass all print, verbal, digital, and other representations of a property. This includes billboard advertising, radio or television commercials, newspaper ads, online advertising, flyers, brochures, banners, leaflets, signs, posters, pictures, or even anything staff members say or imply to prospective renters in person, in writing, or by phone.


In keeping with Fair Housing, ads may not state (nor individuals imply) a preference, discrimination, or limitation based on color, race, sex, religion, handicap, national origin, or familial status. In other words, ads must focus on the property, its location and amenities, but may not say anything about renters. When interviewing, one may not ask applicants, however innocently, if they're married, or even where they're from, without being in violation of the statutes.


And this description only scratches the surface. You can see why it pays to be completely familiar with FHA requirements, or to use professionals who are. Otherwise, you risk being sued.


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